Friday, December 23, 2011

Exiting 2011 with nothing but joy :)

So, yes. I've been MIA... and LOTS has changed. Number #2 is here! Mason David was born on November 2, 2011 - his due date - weighing 8lb 8oz 19in.

Life with two has been BUSY! BUT AMA-ZING! Madelyn has adjusted to a baby brother exceptionally well. And its totally true what they say about baby #2. You are totally more relaxed and they are easier. WHAT?! A baby, easier?! Crazy thought I know. But its true. They just fit into your life as if they had always been there. And all those worries you had... ie How am I going to continue to nurture my relationship with Madelyn with a demanding newborn? How am I going to cater to a newborn with an extremely active toddler? The answer is totally simple. You just do.

You spend less time one on one with your husband. You cherish every moment more.

You sleep less. You love more.

Here is the updated family pic. November 2011. I think I look exhausted.
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