Monday, August 30, 2010

Sigh. Its Monday night. Just sitting in front of the television listening to Madelyn wake from her sleep to let out a few cries, then she's back to sleep. I'm thinking that she's teething... but really? Who the heck knows? I don't "feel" anything but I wouldn't know what I'm feeling anyway. LOL Oh man, one day Madelyn is going to laugh at me I know it.

We are waiving "the" condition tomorrow. So exciting! I am so ready to move LOL. I mean, I'll be honest I was compelety comfortable living here, until Nick put that bug in my ear. Then its just been buzzing ever since. I can't believe we will have our own place... with a pool no less! I will post pictures once we figure out the closing date and waive conditions tomorrow so its a done deal. Then I think it will feel "real"

I was thinking of joining the weekly photo challenge The Paper Mama that Paper Mama does... I don't know why I am hesitating. Maybe tomorrow I will try and take a self portrait I like enough to add to this. I am not looking to do these to win just something to add to Madelyn's blog. Maybe somehow incorporate her in every "challenge"... I'll think about it.

Friday, August 27, 2010

I am so excited but scared all at the same time. We've found a great place and tentatively have a deal drawn up and it is up to us waive our condition. THE condition. I know we can waive but I am scared. Are we doing the right thing? Are we going to be okay? WOW! Deep down I know everything is going to be great and perfect but my lack of optimism is scary me. I am a pessimist at heart. I can't help. I've always been this way. Maybe this is something I should work on? I'll think about it. Back to my "new" house. I am so happy we are going to be into our new place before Madelyn's first Christmas! YEAH :) I am excited and nervous all at the same time. Maybe when we waive on Tuesday I will feel better!

We are having family pics done this afternoon and we've got a busy weekend, go figure, so I am signing off for the weekend to wrap my head around this new house and all the exciting things that are going to come along with that.

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Canadian Cloth Diaper Stores: NUTS ABOUT SOAPNUTS

Canadian Cloth Diaper Stores: NUTS ABOUT SOAPNUTS: "There are so many options out there for laundry now and days. But there is one choice that has been around for centuries long before being “..."

Here's the official link-- ahh I kinda figured it out! LOL

Soap Nuts contest!
Cut and paste to view the Link as I am having trouble getting it to stay on my page. I would love to try these Soap Nuts :)

Wasn't going to title but...

I don't have a title for this as I start it this morning. I am going to start using the date...unless of course, like today I blog three times then I will have a title because this blog is kind of lost in the mix without a title. Guess, its been a few days since I actually wrote. Instead I have been uploading pics with a sentence or two attached. Being a bit lasy but they are so cute, aren't they?

Things have been going pretty great. Madelyn is eating like a little champ. I've been doing breakfast and dinner. Haven't started the lunch yet, still trying to get into the rhythm of introducing new foods every three days. Lets list the things we have tried:
Oatmeal with Apple flavour
Sweet Potatoe

And it seems everytime we introduce something new we get a sour look, and a shake of the head -- kind of like she's quivering. But if we give it to her on day two she takes it much easier. So, the new things are weird at first but eventually she eats it. However, banana's seems to be on the list of "Not like". I've tried a few days now and she still isn't so sure, fine by me. I don't mind finishing up what she leaves behind, I love baby banana food ;) I am holding off on Strawberries. For two reasons. a) From what I've read they are a high allergy food and b) my maternal grandfather was allergic to them so that reinforces reason a). Its hard to pick baby foods really. I was all for making them at first. I had it planned out, made a whole bunch but I can't get the consistancy smooth enough for her. She doesn't like it if its had clumps in it or particles. So, for now I have decided to stick to PC's Organic line of baby food. I like when I read the labe it says "Water and " No other added ingredients. Although, that is a bit of lie because the only other ingredient that is sometimes added seems to be absorbic acid -- for colour I think. WHY? I don't care what colour the food is, and really, neither does Madelyn.

The Fall Activites Guide came out on Tuesday -- can't wait for Sept 11th so I can sign up Madelyn for swimming again. We are going to do once a week on Sunday mornings with her. Twice a week was great at first but now its just a lot. Especially with her starting to eat dinner. Nick has been taking her swimming for the last two weeks. I call it "Daddy and Madelyn Time" I get to clean up around here while they are gone. I don't know about any other Momma's out there but I find it so difficult to really clean when she's up and when she's sleeping I don't really want to clean. So much easier to put away all her clothes and diapers when she's not here. Plus to clean the bathroom or her playmat is hard when she's right there. Tonight while they are gone, its kitchen/eating area/Madelyn's playmates that are going to get a good scrub down! Poor kid gets hair in her face and mouth from the darn cat. Photobucket
I have never claimed that my house is neat and tidy. Nor will I ever be able too. AND I am okay with that. Especially when the cat loves to lay under her tummy time mat. I guess I can pack that sucker up since she doesn't lay under it on on it anymore. Its mainly the cat who uses it.

Well, I've got to run off. Madelyn has woken up and I have got to try and get her diapers on the line, or at least into the dryer. I am just confirming that its not going to rain this afternoon so I can do this. Ahh, another picture I should attach! (I am loving Picasa!)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Look at me!


This is too adorable.
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Amazing Idea!!

So a great friend of mine sent me a link to this blog And I sourced the dividers for 0.25 US and they should be shipped to me soon! I can't wait to make these for Madelyn's closet. I am also going to be making these as a gift for any shower I go to from now on because I think they are that awesome!! I wish I was crafty enough to think of these myself, but I am not. I will totally post about this once I get them done!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday, Monday...Again.

The wedding was wonderful on Saturday. They had the best midnight "buffet" ever!! POUTINE!! Yes they served poutines as their midnight snack. It was awesome ;)

I didn't get the sleep I was looking for though. We were in bed reasonably early but was woken up by a group of drunken boys... ARGH! I was ready to go out into the hall and give them a piece of my mind but 'oh yeah' I didn't have clothes on. LOL

I was anxious to pick up the pooper come Sunday afternoon. We had a great breakfast and hit the road. I brought up the Will topic on the way home - what better time - we're trapped in a moving car. I am hoping to attend a seminar on this topic. I mean just to learn the ins and out to pick a suitable couple to take care of our babe. I think we've narrowed down our choices but then again, how do we know whose going to be the best for our baby, or if they will even be willing to be named in our will as her sole providers? That is a pretty big deal. A decision that you can keep avoiding or make it and forget about it. I am leaning towards the later. Deal with it, make up our minds, write it up and stash it away in a safe place.

Oh and Madelyn seems to be eating solids really well now! YEAH :) And if she eats a good amount at dinner she seems to sleep thru the night... okay now that I've said that she probably won't but I can cross my fingers and hope right? So when I drop her off at my parents tonight, I will be putting a bowl together so my Mom knows the amound of food she can eat and I will be hoping for the best. Or maybe I'll just feed her when I get home at 6:45pm... then a bath and bed...? So many decisions.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The weekend is here!

I am actually so excited for Saturday night... okay, I do feel alittle guilty about leaving Madelyn with my parents but (blush) I can't wait to sleep naked! Ahhh, no worrying about getting up in the middle night and finding clothes to go take care of the babe. Okay, when I want to go to bed nake I repeat that last line in my head and I grab my comfy pants and a t-shirt. Yeah, just my naked bum against the cool sheets... okay I am a bit of a loser and this is no way a sexual thing but a can't wait to do something I can't do everyday! Its been forever since I've gotten to sleep naked. Ahh, practicly 7 months to name an exact time frame. LOL I make myself laugh, I am a bit of a loser.

So another thing I can't wait to do and they are sitting right beside me to go through: the flyers. To search for deals, see specials, maybe get some coupons. Never ever would I have thought I would ever see the day that I would be posting coupons on my fridge and circling a flyer to make sure I go to that store during a certain time frame. I guess living off maternity leave and a husbands new business will do that to you. But really? Why should I pay a dollar more than I have to? I guess I have become a wee bit frugal in my old age... ha! If only I had started doing this years ago I might still be rich. (Really. like I was ever rich. Who am I kidding. No one.)

Lounging with Daddy. This is one of my favourite things to see. He loves her more than life itself. He is an amazing father Dad. I honestly can't wait for her to say "Dadda" just so I can see the look on his face. That moment will truely be priceless.
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010


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I am learning how to use Picasa... there will be many more of these to come.

Blogging. Right.

So, I know I am totally new at this but like everything else I seem to do , I wonder, am I doing this right? But what would be the right way to blog? I am writing from my mind and heart. I am writing about my adventures in this thing called Mommyhood. I am giving details about my struggle to do everything the right way. The way you are supposed to do things.

But seriously, things have changed so much in the last billion years of not only parenting but of how we learn, how we communicate and I think even how we listen (okay, maybe just who we listen to). With the billion of expert opinions (sorry billion may be my word of the day) on everything from eating, feeding, clothing, toys for you babe, etc etc its very easy to get caught up in this feeling of aiming for constant perfection. Just maybe I need to let go of this feeling of never being perfect and just being "okay" with who I actually am. Maybe I need to realize that I am doing the best for my babe and I am doing an okay job bloggin. Like its even my real job anyways. Wasn't this supposed to just be an online journal for Madelyn to read one day when she was old enough to understand my trials and tribulations raising her? Now I seem obsesed with trying to make sure "it" looks good. Honestly, who cares, right? Okay, scratch that. I CARE. I care about what someone would think if they read my blog everyday.

At first when I started this I was sort of sharing the fact that I was blogging. Then I realized, SHIT now I probably shouldn't be as honest as I wanted to be, because who knows who will read this. I felt like maybe I should be censoring what I was writing... doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of the reason I wanted to blog in the first place? Nick asked me the other day if there was anything on my blog that could get me in trouble. My answer - No. Then I had to think... was there? Its not like he's taking the time to read my every word. Honestly I think he may have opened it once at the very beginning when I was bugging him to. Like I felt he needed to. But seriously, wouldn't he want to? I have stopped asking.

I know I can get rambling off topic quite easily and I hope its not too difficult to read to those that actually do read my inner thoughts. There are lot of things I started writing in this blog that I should just make seperate blogs about all together. Example: The whole expert opinion thing. Thats an entirely different blog all together. Or the way we communicate and how my MIL says that because of the internet we don't allow traditions to be passed on from generation to generation. Uhh, okay. Sometimes those old "traditions" can be dangerous and not such a good idea. But again, its not like my husband or my brother in laws turned out half bad in the end. They all survived their first years of life. But again, I love the fact that I have a forum that I can go to that has mommies from around the world (okay maybe just the US, Canada and there is an Aussie so that can be considered around the world right?) that I can open up to and ask questions to. Besides, many of them have other children and we are all up to date on what the current right and wrong things are. Is it maybe that said family member may just be a little jealous that I can't won't call her for advice. I will forever be indebt to my wonderful Mother who has made me feel like I am doing an amazing job. So I do feel, every now and then that I am at least doing one thing right. Loving my precious little girl to pieces.

Wow, sorry this one went a bit off topic. And man, didn't I feel like letting it all out this morning. I hope that was in right blogging style

Monday, August 16, 2010

Weekend to decide

Well, last week I talked about "the situation" re: formula change. I laugh whenever I hear "situation" all because of The Jersey Shore. That show is ridiculous, yet I can't help but watch it. Anyways, Madelyn last week on Wednesday she got really poopy (sorry I know probably TMI=too much information) and on Thursday she got a huge rash. So, I kinda freaked out -- okay, I had a major freak out session -- and was worried that the Soy formula was giving her the rash and was worried that we would have to switch formulas. I didn't want to because she was doing so good on it. Nick and I decided to stop giving her the BioGia drops on Wednesday to see if that would stop her from going #2 all the time. Thats worked and I was hoping the rash would get better over the weekend. So, we decided to give this formula another weekend to decided if we needed to switch it. So far, its been great. Her rash has gotten so much better and we have decided to keep her on the Soy formula. Phew! What a relief. I think its safe to start bringing back the one bottle a day of breastmilk (at least for another month or so before I run out) and to re-introduce solids. I am anxious to move forward from this topic. It was such a hard decision in the first place. Again, I made my goal and I know that I did the best for her. I made it to 6 months - again I should be so proud. Why is it so hard to just feel okay with the decision? I think its because of all the pressure put on Moms today. I was a formula baby, my husband was a formula baby, most people I know were formula babies and we all turned out just fine.

Madelyn is doing great and almost sleeping through the night. Eventually she will right? I just have to stop talking to people whose babies already do...

Canadian Cloth Diaper Stores: Cloth Diaper Wipes: 4 great reasons to make the sw...

Canadian Cloth Diaper Stores: Cloth Diaper Wipes: 4 great reasons to make the sw...: "Cloth Diaper Wipes are the Perfect Partner to Cloth Diapers You'll love using cloth diaper wipes for all the reasons you love your cloth di..."

I am obsessed with cloth so anyway I can add to my stash without adding to my Visa bill is definately a great idea :) I am so glad that I took the opportunity to learn about diapers -- I know I've already posted about how wonderful they -- but seriously, they are fantastic!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Feelings and thoughts re: her first sleep over

I didn't give a true update to Madelyn's sleep over at my parents house since I have been so consumed with formula, gas and poop. She has truely been a poop master since yesterday morning and she's now got quite the rash to prove it. I can't stay on top of it! I swear I am changing her all the time! I think those BioGiai drops are working a little too well.

I was super paranoid about leaving her at parents house because she was so awful the night before and I really didn't think it would be fair to pawn her off on my Mom when she so clearly wouldn't sleep through the night and cried most of the night before BUT my Mom reassured me that everything would be fine. So, I did it. I left her with my parents. Nick had a great birthday night out -- way way way past both our bedtimes, at one point I wish I could have pulled the heavy and said "We are going home, NOW" but it was HIS birthday so that would not have been fair. So, we stayed out until the wee hours of the morning, walked home and went to bed. I woke up at 8am and was like "aww I miss my my babe" I tried for about 30 minutes to get Nick out of bed to go get her. I was anxious to see how her night went -- more importantly to see how my Mom and Dad's night went. Was she a pain the a$$? Did she sleep for them? I really hoped she did not keep them up all night crying.

We went to get her and walked into my parents home to find my Dad rocking on his chair, this is the usual typical spot and you can guarentee this is where he will be 99.9% of the time, and Madelyn sitting on the floor at his feet chewing on a toy and watching some retro cartoons :0) and as soon as she saw us her face lit up. Awww, the relief. She knows us and is happy to see us. I inquired and of course, my Dad said nothing but good things and yes, she didn't sleep through the night, but no she didn't cry all night either... phew! We were both relieved. Especially since my parents are going to be watching her on 21st since we are going out of town for a wedding.

To be completely honest, and lets be serious, I am not sure if I know how to not be... it was really nice to have a little break away. I know, it makes me kinda feel like a bad Mom mentioning that but in reality everyone needs a break from a 24 hour job every now and then. I think it was good for all 3 of us to get away and take that time. The true test will be on the 21st since we will be leaving mid-morning and not returning until mid-afternoon the next day. That will be a true test. We will have 3 full meals away from her and a stay out of town... not going to lie I am kind of anxious for it! A 2 hour car ride without a tear! Back to the good old days of taking car rides and chatting... used to be our favourite thing. Now its usually, on long rides anyways, one of us driving while the other one tends to a screaming babe. Oh how life has forever changed. For the better, of course.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Had to make some Changes

Okay after WOWZERS .... this post should be titled - Major Baby Freak out session causes Mommy to have major Mommy Freak out session.

I thought that nap the other day was tough... boy was I in for it on Thursday night. She was up every hour, crying, carrying on. I didn't know what was wrong with her... her teeth? her tummy? her runny nose?

She would not sleep through and she seemed like she was really in pain. I was a wreck. I ended up calling my doctors office after hours clinic and they recommended me seeing a doctor that same day. Especially since all this could be being caused by her formula. Great, right? As if I didn't have enough guilt as it was.

I got in to see a doctor at the clinic which was great news. As the appointment was getting closer I was starting to feel like maybe I was just being a paranoid Mom. The doctor is totally going to tell me she's just teething and I'm being retarded. But like Nick said - lets just get some reassurance.

Well, reassurance we did get - that my worst fear was true. She was probably having a reaction to her formula based on everything I was saying about her behaviour. Now, didn't I feel like a moron. Now, I was right, all this was MY fault. All the pain she was in, the gas, the runny nose. All because of me!

We switched her Friday right after that DR appointment. I cried all the way to Walmart. I don't want to start pumping again, but how could I be so selfish about it. Something I am still struggling with. I feel much better about it today (2 days later).

She seems to be doing so much better. Her sleeping is starting to get back to normal and she isn't all snot faced either. I know so many people have to switch formulas before finding the one that works best but its so hard to put the little one through this. To see her freaking out and not be able to fix the problem right then and there and make the hurting go away is heartbreaking.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


So, that just was not fun. Putting her down for her afternoon nap was a tough one today.

Last night was rough as well. She just would not go back down when she woke up at 230ish AM. I ended up bringing her to bed with me because she would just not go back to sleep in her crib.

Then came this afternoon nap... everything was going as planned and she was falling asleep to her bottle, as per usual, and then when I put her down in her crib --- major freak out session begins. She finally fell asleep after about an hour of crying. Me, picking her up, putting her back down. She finally fell asleep.

Those moments are so trying and so difficult but once its over its like it never happened. I know when she wakes up and I see her smiling face I will forget the screaming baby that tormented me just a few short hours before.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Exciting weekend coming up!

Madelyn has her first sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's on Friday night for Nick's birthday. I am a little nervous for it. Not that she's not in great hands but what if she forgets me! LOL I am such a tool. We have dinner and drink plans that evening and I am not going to lie - it is so tempting to come home early and sleep! No waking up to give her a soother, or that early morning bottle... we'll see. I'm sure it will be a late night.

I will keep you posted on how it goes!

6 month check up!

Madelyn now weights 18.6lbs and is 25in long! Holy baby!

Dr. referred us to a pediatrician because of Madelyn's left foot. Its still a bit crooked and she just wants to be sure everything is okay. Other than that her app went really well.

Nick held her for her shots and she did great. Cried but calmed down and is now napping. phew... what a relief!