Saturday, October 16, 2010

Is it bad that I can't wait for October to be over? We have just been go-go-go-go... for way too long now! Geeesh, I'd like to just say that Madelyn now has 2 - YES TWO - teeth on the bottom and since I have been horrible at keeping up with the blog in the last month, I may or may not have already mentioned that. And this entire next paragraph may be a repeat but here goes...

On Oct 2 (My Dad's birthday) we were at my parents home for a family birthday dinner and my Mom felt into Madelyn's mouth and proclaimed that a tooth was coming... yeah right. I don't feel anything, I don't have a clue what I am feelign for. Yeah I feel a little bump but whatever, we haven't had the sleepless nights, the crying bouts, you know, the typical teething stuff. (honest: the thing was that the week prior she was hard to put down to bed, she would fight like she's never fought before and she may or may not have woken up a couple of times at night but just letting out a little cry, nothing to go running to her or even console her over) Sure enough, I woke up on Oct 3 and bam... sharp, sharp, sharp! It was there. The bottom left toofie was poking through. I am forever a skeptic. I know I have mentioned her amber teething necklace before but Nick and I refuse to take it off and tempt fate. If its working awesome, if she's just a baby that it wouldn't bother too much - we've got one tough cookie on our hands. And that would make Daddy super proud! But seriously, I get it all the time with the amber necklace. Most people think its just jewelery that I've put on her. And time and time again, I am saying actually its a teething necklace and go into my speal... Most times, especially if I don't really know the person commenting I just nod. Yup, it is nice jewelery.

I know I have been promising pictures. I am going to go get my memory card as soon as I am done typing this and upload some new shots of her. She is just changing so much everyday. Nick and I will look back at pictures and really say "Do you believe its the same baby?" She's such a little person now. I think the cruising around and crawling has really made me see that. Plus, the 3 solid meals a day and the "talking" (I use talking loosely as it really sounds like shrieking). She is truely become her own person. I cannot wait to see what she turns into.

Okay... I am going to go get that memory card right now...after I finish my 1/2 coffee 1/2 hot chocolate... promise this time! I swear...

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