Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Upgrading Momma...

I have decided to do some online courses while I am off on maternity leave. This is turning out to be a little more work than I had originally thought it would. Its hard to juggle two babies [I know, a toddler and a baby], spouse time and the all important but seemingly non-existent me time. By the time I put the kids to bed I am exhausted and all I want to do is catch up on my tv time. Or blog. Our waste time on FB.

I also am feeling a little stupid after the first quiz. Maybe that's why I am here and not "there" learning. I rationalize me blogging by saying to myself that I need to print the lessons so I can read them and write notes at the same time. Maybe this will be true tomorrow night?! (Thats when my dear husband says he will have the wireless printer going...)

Well see...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Bed time with two

Thank goodness we've got Mason a good bedtime routine going. He's down about 30 minutes before she is and every night when I am feeding him and rocking him I can hear the giggles coming from the bathroom while Madelyn is taking her bath. No she is not alone, Daddy is usually laughing along with her.

Near the end of this pregnancy I was terrified of moments like this. Terrified that it would be a disaster every night. NOW, these moments are amazing.

Before Mason's bath tonight, when he woke up from the his last nap, we had him laying on the mat and Madelyn laying with him rolling him onto his tummy and we were all there. The four of us. Eek! The four of us. As if we have always been the 4 of us.

Its amazing!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Napping Number 2

Okay, I know that the swing isn't the worst thing in the world. I know its an amazing tool for me, and its so nice to have. I also know that I have to start working on getting Mason into his crib [insert shudder]. I am not one for CIO, especially since he is still so young. And being the last baby, I want to him to sort of stay babyish... We all know that I am not a huge baby fan and if they came out at 5-6months, when they start to sit, maybe sleep thru the night [a mommy can only hope/dream] and start to make movements towards crawling.

We've got an awesome bedtime routine going right now, and already! He usually eats between 5pm-6pm. and its bath time by 6pm, and then diaper change, swaddle, I offer more milk if he wants it and in his crib he goes. Some nights are easier than others. Some nights I lay him down and he just drifts off to sleep. Other nights I have to give him his soother a few times but still he drifts off to sleep on his own.

So, maybe letting him sleep during the day in the swing (for now anyways) isn't such a bad thing?!

Oh the back and forth of what to do, am I doing it right thing... back again! I thought this time I would feel more secure with my decisions. A mommy can only wish right?!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Coffee Dakota?

Madelyn is fully emerged in pretend play right now. Everything is "Coffee Mommy?" even "Coffee 'Koda" Thank goodness we have amazing dogs that put up with her!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Family Photo take just before Mason's birth

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Probably my favourite family photo to date... Mason's here, just hiding in the belly ;)

Cloth diapers x2... and a surprise heart melter!

I can't believe I still get those "You are so brave for using cloth" and "Wow, even with two?"

Sure, I've had to do wash every other day now instead of every three days... but I'm doing laundry it seems every day anyways, whats the difference? OOOH, I know the difference, the cost of disposables. Please don't get me wrong, we use disposables as well for night time. I haven't had much luck in the night time department, so we've sacrificed a little bit. (To be clear, we still get leaks with disposables too...)

I will need to add to my stash when the little man grows into the diapers Madelyn is currently wearing as they are a bit on the "girly" side... but really?! Who cares if a boy is in a purple diaper anyways?! Its not like its going to sway him the opposite direction... or would that be in the same direction? Get it? Did that make sense? Oh well, it did to me and I guess thats all that matters since I am sure, this doesn't get read a whole lot...

Okay, back to cloth diapers... They are adorable, and eco-friendly. And my almost-two year doesn't want to even put a disposable on anymore at naps and bedtime and fights with us. Yes, she says "Other one, Daddy [Mommy], OTHER ONE" Meaning cloth. Unfortunately we don't have a choice and have resorted to disposables at night time its still a fight I didn't think we'd have. Oh well, she knows what she wants. Which is kind of a scary thing in the bigger picture.

I need to interrupt this diaper post to say something... Its almost 8pm here and Madelyn is in her room, in bed. Its quiet in the house except the sound of my fingers hitting the keys. I just sneezed, and I hear "Bless you Mommy" xoxox I say "Thank you MAdelyn" and I go back to typing.

Love. Her. So. Freakin'. Much.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Rules for Parents of Daughters

People I Want to Punch in the Throat: Rules for Parents of Daughters: I realized when I wrote my sons' piece earlier this week I titled it Rules for Mothers of Sons .  I was so wrong to just single out mothers....

I need to share this because seriously, this post is amazing and so incredibly true! Now, I need to read her 18 rules...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Okay, so here goes... starting to put all the thoughts out there again. Madelyn goes to "school" on Wednesday's and Thursday's. Mason is such a wonderful baby. Don't get me wrong, Madelyn was a great baby but this little guy!? What a dream, 95% of the time. (There's always that "I'm going to scream because I am overtired and can't get to sleep moments, hence the 5%) And for us, that 5% is nothing compared to Madelyn. BUT everyone says you can't, shouldn't and don't compare children. BUT isn't it just human nature to compare things?! Let alone children. At every playgroup you attend its a constant, what does your baby do? I'm not saying its all bad. I think its a good way to validate what you are doing is right, right for YOU! Not everything is for everyone. And by no means should a Mom judge another Mom for any of her parenting decisions. You (or me) aren't the ones dealing with that baby. I can have an opinion and I think thats normal. I may think a choice another Mom makes isn't right. I guess I mean right for me. We all make parenting decisions and must live with those choices, please just don't complain about them I guess is what I am saying. Oh boy, did that ever get off my original topic for this post... MASON! I'm still breastfeeding him. Its been going awesome so far. Much easier than with Madelyn and he gets a bottle a day which gives me a break. I don't think I would have hung on if he was like Madelyn. He stretches it out, he's very efficient, and quite content when done eating. And by efficient I mean he's done in 10 minutes. I was concerned at first, because it was so different from Madelyn. I was worried that he wasn't eating enough but clearly as you will see in some pictures (bare with me, this software is all so new) he is definitely not lacking. He's gaining weight, growing and thriving. He's such a happy boy. Smiling and "giggling". I put giggling in quotations because its still so new so its a baby giggle. He's in his crib now[insert tear]. I was so ready to get him out of my room and out of the bassinet. I was not sleeping well at all. He's a big grunter and mover. Madelyn went for a sleep-over at my parents so we took the opportunity to move the crib out of her room. She has been sleeping in her toddler bed for over a month, maybe longer[time just smushes together] but was reluctant to let the crib go. So we moved it out while she was in daycare and set it up a few days later in his room. When I was closing up the bassinet, I got a little sad. This is very likely the last baby for us. So, to be folding it up forever, FOREVER, is saddening. Even though, I am completely finished at two babies. Final decision hasn't been made. Ha! We'll see in a couple of years. I always wanted to be done having babies by the time I was the big 3-0. I am in my thirtieth year as I type this. I have a healthy daughter and a healthy son... I'm complete.

New 'Puter!

Well, I've joined the Apple nation! So, its going to be a bit of slow start with this new technology thing BUT this may, and I mean to say hope, mean I will be blogging a lot more regularly since this little guy is a lot more portable, faster and won't die after 20 minutes after being unplugged from the wall...