Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Library Playgroup!

We finally made it to the library playgroup and we had so much fun. Madelyn was probably one of the youngest there but she was definately not the most shy! Once I let her down she was gone. Crawling away, watching other toddlers and pickng up the the blocks. It was great to watch her. I was such a proud Mommy. She was so funny to watch. Bouncing from her knees, squealing with delight. Once it came to story time she actually sat on my lap and paid attention!!! Crazy. I know! I will definately be bringing her there every week. Gives us something to do and she gets to interact with other kids and not just babies. Free local programs... what a great thing!

30 Days of Honesty

Day 24: Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs. (Just post the titles and artists and letter)
This would take for-ever and honestly I would do to my husband and the list would all be sappy love songs with a few alternative ones thrown in for good measure.

Day 25: The reason you believe you’re still alive today.
One reason? I think I have more than one reason. My family, friends, amazing husband and child.

Day 26: Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?
I mean who doesn't think at one time or another that life is too rough? But seriously, life is so worth living.

Day 27: What’s the best thing going for you right now?
Hands down, Madelyn. Need I say more?

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dr. Appointments and more....

So this past week we had a visit to McMaster Children's Hospital for her foot, a doctors app to get referred to a pediatrician for her face twitch and the ped got us in the next day!

First things first, McMaster went well. Her left foot curves in still so we have exercises to do for the next 4 weeks then we go back and if it hasn't improved enough then we have to get special shoes. But she'll be walking fine so there isn't much need to worry. Phew!

She's been doing this face twitch thing since we introduced solids. At first we thought it was just when she didn't like something then she started doing it more and more. No harm in getting it looked at. Dr. didn't think it was anything too serious but referred us to a pediatrician just to be sure. The pediatrician was fantastic! Squished us in to make sure everything was okay. She thinks its do with her reflux. We always thought she had reflux but never got it checked out (well we did once, and we're told not to worry so we didn't push it). Ped thinks that its just her muscles trying to keep it down. If anything happens in the next 4 weeks we are to call and she will see us right away. Other than that we are to just continue as per usual and see her again in 4 weeks.

So, those are the medical updates... we tried on all her Mexico clothes the other day -- what a chore that was! Getting her dressed on the best of days is sometimes not so fun. Trying to get her into 7+ outfits all in one afternoon was tough. She ate A LOT of those puffs let me tell you. It was the only way we could keep her still and not cry. BUT good news EVERYTHING fit! YEAH :) Started finished off her list this past Friday (yesterday) bought her sunscreen, baby food and threw everything in the office. The holding area for all things Mexico. That bed is getting jammed with stuff. I am not looking forward to the actual packing part...

30 Days of Honesty

I know I haven't done so well with this blog... Its been busy, I know, I know I keep using that as an excuse but its kind of true. Well, its completely true... so once again, here's a bunch of answers. BUT first I need to get a coffee and swat my cat off the counter... do you own a cat? They are the devil incarnate I swear!

Okay here goes.

Day 16: Someone or something you definitely could live without.
Someone is easy, but highly inappropriate to blast over the internet. So a thing? One thing... I could live without an exercise stationary bike. Those things are horrible and if I did indeed own one, I would never ride it. Ever. LOL

Day 17: A book you’ve read thatchanged your views on something.
I think I would have to say "Eat, Pray, Love" I've never seen the movie but read the book years ago. Worth the read, especially when you are wondering about yourself in anyway. Yeah, I didn't get to travel the world and eat, eat, eat... and do yoga but I think it made me look at my life a little differently. Maybe appreciate the things I do have and let go of the things I never needed in the first place.

Day 18: Your views on gay marriage.
EVERYONE has the right to get married. Who cares, gay, straight? What does it matter, really? If someone wants to enter into a forever, binding contract/agreement (did I just refer to marriage as a contract, really?) then by all means GO FOR IT! Marriage is hard work. Something forever changing and evolving because lets be honest nothing, and I mean nothing, stays the SAME forever.

Day 19: What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?
Religion - not for everyone. I think there is a something bigger than us, do I need to go to church to make myself believe that, no. Just my opinion. We don't go to church, we didn't even get Madelyn baptized. Something I think about from time to time. Will she one day wish we had? I mean her Dad isn't. I don't know. Politics. Well, I am being honest right? [insert shameful look on writers face] I don't follow to closely. I guess I've never really thrown myself into it. I vote. Does that count?

Day 20: Your views on drugs and alcohol.
To each their own, really. I mean who doesn't enjoy a glass of wine at the end of a hard day? And whose to judge the person that enjoys a little toke at the end of a hard day? I don't discriminate against either. BUT I don't believe that living and breathing alcohol or drugs is okay either. Occassional, social is okay. No chemicals though. Is that a double standard?

Day 21: (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?
Do everything in my power to help said best friend out. Fight or no fight.

Day 22: Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.
I wish I never had pierced my eyebrow. What a pain that was! Used to always get infected because of the area I worked in. Its out now, and looking back at pictures its so weird to see.

Day 23: Something you wish you had done in your life.
100% wish I had gone to University. Seriously, worst mistake I ever made was not going.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


That was what happened this morning. I have to say though its the worst in the last 9.5 months -- So I shouldn't complain too much. I mean it wasn't one of those up the back and all over the clothes... until I removed her diaper and she wiggled. I had to just stop and put her in the tub. She was not impressed but she did pretty good. Sat there was a little shocked that that was happening to her. This was before her morning nap. She went down really well afterwards and I had to clean the tub and there is a pile of dirty clothes, cloths, towels, pj's ready to go in the washer. Oh the joys of being a Mom. So rewarding. LOL. I know.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Video Camera has been unleashed!

I have been bugging, naggin and complaining to my husband since before I even had Madelyn that we needed to get the video camera out. We bought the thing in 2006 on boxing day for the wedding trip. So, needless to say Madelyn is now 9.5 months old and we now have it! He finally got it out and charged it. We just have to get the hilarious footage off it. I started taping her this morning. I couldn't resist and she was very fascinated by it. I see many mornings, afternoons and nights of a video camera being shoved in her face recording her next milestones. We've missed too many. Now its on!

30 Days of Honesty

Wow, okay I know I am like a week behind but I will try and get as many done this morning as I can... PLUS give you an update on the Pooper :) First things first...

Day 11: Something people seem to compliment you the most on.

Okay, way to start the morning off. My honest straightforward opinion or that I'm cute. Cute. Not exactly something to brag about.

Day 12: Something you never get compliments on.

My figure. Yeah, I know I had a baby BUT that was 9.5 months ago.

Day 13: A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days.
I would say this is a tough one. I would have to say that The Tragically Hip has the coolest albums and there are quite a few songs that bring tears to my eyes. OH and I cannot forget the Dave Matthews Band.

Day 14: A hero that has let you down.

I don't think I have a hero that has let me down. This isn't a very interesting morning for you readers... sorry!

Day 15: Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.

Absolutely, the easiest question of this morning, and I think this was covered already but I will always say my husband. We've been through a lot in 12 years... spent time apart, together, with other people, together. Always, always, always finding our way back to one another. And always being there for the other when things weren't so smooth between us. Maybe to be honest, I never really lived without him.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sleep, Routines and breaking the schedule...

The need to nap and the need to have a life outside of the house --- So confusing. I cannot bring myself wake her so we can go out. I feel the need to make sure we stick to our schedule. I know its not always possible but I just feel like its better for her if I do. PLUS when we stick to the schedule she sleeps better and longer. Thats what babies need right? Sleep. Routine. Am I doing the right thing by being so regimented? There is it again, that self doubt! Always seems to creep in every now and then. Never truly goes away.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

30 Days of Honesty

Day 8: Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.

Wow. I would have to go back to high school I think to answer this question and even then, I don't think I have an answer. Not one person sticks out. I can't say that I was ever a target for bullying. I was by no means one of the "cool" kids but I certainly didn't get picked on and held my own. I had a great group of friends that I had gone to elementry school with and I am still friends with many of them.

Day 9: Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.

I think I have a few people on this list. [names will NOT be included, sorry]. I mean, Nick and I are in a completely different phase of our lives right not and our priorities are completely different than some of our friends. I mean they will always be friends and in time when many of them "catch up" on the baby train I'm sure we'll reconnect. Kind of sad. I've had a few moments that I've told Nick that I was lonely because I didn't have someone going through this with me. I have friends that are ahead of me but more of them are behind. I don't get calls to hang out. BUT, when I look at Madelyn I could care less if I go for a drink or not.

Day 10: Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.

Hmmm. Again, another tough one that I am not quite sure I've got an answer for. I mean there are a few people that I wish I didn't know but who doesn't right? [And I don't think blasting their names on the internet and calling them out for every wrong thing they've done to me or my friends would just be right, it would just make me like them]... does that make sense?

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Its been a while since I posted a picture of the two of us. I seem to take hundreds upon hundreds of pictures of her. I just can't seem to get infront of lens... okay, I do but I never like the picture. I will work on that.

Madelyn must be going through a growth spurt and teething... UGH! Bum rash... waking hungry early in the morning, waking after being in bed for an hour or two crying. I've given her tylenol [insert shameful look on Mommies face]. I don't know if she's actually teething. I mean ALL the signs are there and her symptoms are very similar to her teething for the bottom two teeth. Drooling, chewing everything, waking after being put down for bed... She is still sleeping thru the night [look above with a thankful smile]. She won't let me look in her mouth or insert my finger to feel the top teeth. But she didn't let me do that with the bottom ones either so no surprise there.

We are going to be getting a visit from Baby M today! So excited to meet the new little guy. So, I need to get Madelyn to nap! She's fighting it a little...
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30 Days of Honesty

Day 7: Someone who has made your life worth living for.

Easy. I would say two people. First and foremost, my amazing husband. If it weren't for him we wouldn't have my second reason for living, Madelyn. Nick has been an amazing best friend and partner. I truly feel that I am a better person for not just knowing him, but being lucky enough to have him in my life. His love, guidance and support has made my life easier. I hope I can repay him in the same way.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

30 Days of Honesty

Day 5: Something you hope to do in your life.

I've always hoped I would get a University degree. I started going back part-time before we were trying to get pregnant but now that she here, I just don't know how I would swing it. I always thought I would go back while on maternity leave but I want to spend as much time with her and Nick as I can... plus get back in shape, keep up with friends. Seems like its gone by the way side. And over all I think I am okay with waiting to get it done, for now.

Day 6: Something you hope you never have to do.

I really hope I never have to deal with the death of close relative. (I don't mean grandparents) THAT is my biggest fear. Very morbid, I know. But its the truth after all.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010



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Here's a few pictures of our cute little giraffe from Sunday's craaaaazy busy day. At the end of the day when we finally got her in bed, I had to think to myself - Was it really worth it? Huh. [Insert a pondering look on writers face] She was a trooper as we carted her around to all the grandparents and then out for some trick or treating with Baby E. Doesn't she look adorable as a giraffe. I wish that she would let me dress her every hallowe'en until she can't go out anymore! Handing out candy you really got to see that the older the kids get the worse their costumes (or lack there of) were. Some didn't even look like they were dressed up as anything. Oh well. Move one. Next holiday is Christmas! And she is going to ball at Christmas -- but first we have to get thru Mexico... WOW thats coming fast!

Monday, November 1, 2010

30 Days of Honesty

Day 4: Something you have to forgive someone for.

Wow, another hmmmm. I think I am really good at holding grudges. I like to think when I say its "Ok" I move on. But I don't. I am not good at forgiving. I am good at saying its Ok, lets move on. I don't have one person I need to forgive for anything in particular. I think that over the years, there has been times that a disagreement has sparked and instead of dealing with just the one issue I tend to bring up things that I've burried.

ORRRRR maybe i have to forgive someone (not going to mention here who it is but those that truely know me and the situation will know who I am talking about -- sorry for being vague, its the internet after all and it wouldn't fair to air out everything on here). We will call this person "F" and will not refer to the sex of said individual. Hope thats okay with you reader...again I apologize maybe this makes me not being super honest? I have to forgive F. for being who they are. For having a very different approach to raising kids than me. I have to let go of all the lying F. has done, look past the fakeness, and just remember that F. will never change and its not worth arguing and fighting over. F. is who they are, and after all they do say, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Its just not possible to change people.

30 Days of Honesty

Day 3: Something you have to forgive yourself for.

Hmmm... I should have read this yesterday so I would have had last night to think about this one. Something I have to forgive myself for? Tough. I honestly can't think of that one thing right now... maybe I will come back to this one once I think of one?