So, I know I am totally new at this but like everything else I seem to do , I wonder,
am I doing this right? But what would be the
right way to blog? I am writing from my mind and heart. I am writing about my adventures in this thing called Mommyhood. I am giving details about my struggle to do everything the
right way. The way you are supposed to do things.
But seriously, things have changed so much in the last billion years of not only parenting but of how we learn, how we communicate and I think even how we listen (okay, maybe just who we listen to). With the billion of expert opinions (sorry billion may be my word of the day) on everything from eating, feeding, clothing, toys for you babe, etc etc its very easy to get caught up in this feeling of aiming for constant perfection. Just maybe I need to let go of this feeling of never being perfect and just being "okay" with who I actually am. Maybe I need to realize that I am doing the best for my babe and I am doing an okay job bloggin. Like its even my real job anyways. Wasn't this supposed to just be an online journal for Madelyn to read one day when she was old enough to understand my trials and tribulations raising her? Now I seem obsesed with trying to make sure "it" looks good. Honestly, who cares,
right? Okay, scratch that. I CARE. I care about what someone would think if they read my blog everyday.
At first when I started this I was sort of sharing the fact that I was blogging. Then I realized, SHIT now I probably shouldn't be as honest as I wanted to be, because who knows who will read this. I felt like maybe I should be censoring what I was writing... doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of the reason I wanted to blog in the first place? Nick asked me the other day if there was anything on my blog that could get me in trouble. My answer - No. Then I had to think... was there? Its not like he's taking the time to read my every word. Honestly I think he may have opened it once at the very beginning when I was bugging him to. Like I felt he
needed to. But seriously, wouldn't he
want to? I have stopped asking.
I know I can get rambling off topic quite easily and I hope its not too difficult to read to those that actually do read my inner thoughts. There are lot of things I started writing in this blog that I should just make seperate blogs about all together. Example: The whole expert opinion thing. Thats an entirely different blog all together. Or the way we communicate and how my MIL says that because of the internet we don't allow traditions to be passed on from generation to generation. Uhh, okay. Sometimes those old "traditions" can be dangerous and not such a good idea. But again, its not like my husband or my brother in laws turned out half bad in the end. They all survived their first years of life. But again, I love the fact that I have a forum that I can go to that has mommies from around the world (okay maybe just the US, Canada and there is an Aussie so that can be considered around the world
right?) that I can open up to and ask questions to. Besides, many of them have other children and we are all up to date on what the current
right and wrong things are. Is it maybe that said family member may just be a little jealous that I
can't won't call her for advice. I will forever be indebt to my wonderful Mother who has made me feel like I am doing an amazing job. So I do feel, every now and then that I am at least doing one thing
right. Loving my precious little girl to pieces.
Wow, sorry this one went a bit off topic. And man, didn't I feel like letting it all out this morning. I hope that was in
right blogging style