Things have been going pretty great. Madelyn is eating like a little champ. I've been doing breakfast and dinner. Haven't started the lunch yet, still trying to get into the rhythm of introducing new foods every three days. Lets list the things we have tried:
Oatmeal with Apple flavour
Sweet Potatoe
And it seems everytime we introduce something new we get a sour look, and a shake of the head -- kind of like she's quivering. But if we give it to her on day two she takes it much easier. So, the new things are weird at first but eventually she eats it. However, banana's seems to be on the list of "Not like". I've tried a few days now and she still isn't so sure, fine by me. I don't mind finishing up what she leaves behind, I love baby banana food ;) I am holding off on Strawberries. For two reasons. a) From what I've read they are a high allergy food and b) my maternal grandfather was allergic to them so that reinforces reason a). Its hard to pick baby foods really. I was all for making them at first. I had it planned out, made a whole bunch but I can't get the consistancy smooth enough for her. She doesn't like it if its had clumps in it or particles. So, for now I have decided to stick to PC's Organic line of baby food. I like when I read the labe it says "Water and
The Fall Activites Guide came out on Tuesday -- can't wait for Sept 11th so I can sign up Madelyn for swimming again. We are going to do once a week on Sunday mornings with her. Twice a week was great at first but now its just a lot. Especially with her starting to eat dinner. Nick has been taking her swimming for the last two weeks. I call it "Daddy and Madelyn Time" I get to clean up around here while they are gone. I don't know about any other Momma's out there but I find it so difficult to really clean when she's up and when she's sleeping I don't really want to clean. So much easier to put away all her clothes and diapers when she's not here. Plus to clean the bathroom or her playmat is hard when she's right there. Tonight while they are gone, its kitchen/eating area/Madelyn's playmates that are going to get a good scrub down! Poor kid gets hair in her face and mouth from the darn cat.
I have never claimed that my house is neat and tidy. Nor will I ever be able too. AND I am okay with that. Especially when the cat loves to lay under her tummy time mat. I guess I can pack that sucker up since she doesn't lay under it on on it anymore. Its mainly the cat who uses it.
Well, I've got to run off. Madelyn has woken up and I have got to try and get her diapers on the line, or at least into the dryer. I am just confirming that its not going to rain this afternoon so I can do this. Ahh, another picture I should attach! (I am loving Picasa!)
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