Monday, August 16, 2010

Weekend to decide

Well, last week I talked about "the situation" re: formula change. I laugh whenever I hear "situation" all because of The Jersey Shore. That show is ridiculous, yet I can't help but watch it. Anyways, Madelyn last week on Wednesday she got really poopy (sorry I know probably TMI=too much information) and on Thursday she got a huge rash. So, I kinda freaked out -- okay, I had a major freak out session -- and was worried that the Soy formula was giving her the rash and was worried that we would have to switch formulas. I didn't want to because she was doing so good on it. Nick and I decided to stop giving her the BioGia drops on Wednesday to see if that would stop her from going #2 all the time. Thats worked and I was hoping the rash would get better over the weekend. So, we decided to give this formula another weekend to decided if we needed to switch it. So far, its been great. Her rash has gotten so much better and we have decided to keep her on the Soy formula. Phew! What a relief. I think its safe to start bringing back the one bottle a day of breastmilk (at least for another month or so before I run out) and to re-introduce solids. I am anxious to move forward from this topic. It was such a hard decision in the first place. Again, I made my goal and I know that I did the best for her. I made it to 6 months - again I should be so proud. Why is it so hard to just feel okay with the decision? I think its because of all the pressure put on Moms today. I was a formula baby, my husband was a formula baby, most people I know were formula babies and we all turned out just fine.

Madelyn is doing great and almost sleeping through the night. Eventually she will right? I just have to stop talking to people whose babies already do...

1 comment:

  1. glad that she is doing better and that it seems to have been the drops that was causing her to go all the time
