Saturday, July 31, 2010

Civic long weekend, already?

Seems like this year really is flying by. Its already going to be Aug 1st tomorrow... where has the summer went?

Madelyn has been struggling with the oatmeal since I last blogged about how good she was doing. It seems when I mention it she stops doing it! Oh well, pears did not go over well so tonight I am going to try sweet potatoe and see how she likes that.

Also, oh, before I continue I have to say this - only a mom would understand this next paragraph -- she isn't pooping quite as consistently since I started her on formula... insert frown and sigh... argh! I feel awful. Why couldn't she just be okay with it...?? Now, I am dealing with a little bit of guilt regarding the whole thing. BUT I am dealing with it. Madelyn has her 6 month shots on Tuesday and Nick is coming with me so I am anxious to talk to the doctor about... oh how I miss breast milk poop... there is a huge difference. (only Mommy's will understand)


  1. LOL, don't feel guilty, I'm sure she feels just fine, Jax only poops once a day since formula and he's happy as a clam!
