Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cloth Diapering Momma!

If you think
"Cloth diapering is too hard, too dirty and just more work"
you have no idea the new improvements cloth diapering has made! Its not your Mom's prefolds and pins. I am writing this for a couple of different reasons 1) because so many people have looked at me like I have 3 heads because we have gone this route 2) because it really is easier than people think and the more people know how easy it can be the more people will follow this lead 3) because I honestly love my diapers and could talk about them forever! Okay, LOL I know I must seem like I am a little obsessed! (Maybe I am!!!)

Okay, to be completely honest, it can be overwhelming at the start. Especially when you have no idea what everything means and stands for. Like what the heck is a prefold or a pocket diaper? HUH? I had those issues but I am very fortunate that Nick's cousin's wife (did you follow that?) is in the business and hosts a cloth diapering workshop once a month at their chiropractic clinic. When I was approximately 5 months pregnant Nick and I went to said workshop with no expectations. We had not decided either way if we were going to go cloth or not we just wanted to make sure we were making an informed decision if we decided to not do them.

Nick was the one that said when we were walking out to the Jeep after the workshop "So, we're doing cloth then eh?" I hadn't even said anything about my personal decision. That was how great the workshop was. Kristen (my resident diaper expert) had convinced Nick how easy it was. Of course, she had convinced me too!

I started a registry with Kristen before my shower so people had the option to help us out with the initial cost. (and many people opted for this option and I only spent half of the initial price because of this -- YEAH!) I think my original order was $850 and I only had to spend $400 after my shower. It was awesome! Of course, there are cheaper start up costs to cloth diapers - you can use prefolds and covers and I think that start up cost is only $250. To think you will spend $3600 over the course of your babies diapering years if you use disposables - spending even $1000 on cloth just makes more sense! If you start with your first child you will have already bought and paid for the diapers for your second, or third! And to think of our landfills!! The environmental benefit should be enough for new Mom's to rethink their diapering decisions. BUT I am only trying to share my experience not make the disposal diapering Mom feel bad! We have enough new pressures as Moms.

Nick and I decided to go with a couple different options and brands to see what we liked and then we could always purchase more... Yes, I have become a little addicted and we now have way more diapers than you actually need but they are so cute and stylish. We've fallen in love with AMP duo pocket diapers We've got lots of different colours in our diaper stash now. We also use Baby Kangas, Happy Heinys, and we use Motherease Sandy's for night time. All of our diapers have been purchased at Kristen is the owner and she is awesome at answering all your questions. If I have had any issues I have sent her a quick e-mail and I get a response usually the same day! And usually its a quick fix and we are back on our way.

I got Nick to set up a clothes line in our backyard and I currently have a load hanging to dry right now! I think it took me 2 min to start the load soaking in the machine, 30 min to sit while I enjoy a tea and catch up on some tv and then 2 min to run down and start the load. Then another 10 to hang them on the line. okay so the entire load works out to be 15 min of my time? Oh wait, I should factor in the folding - so thats another 5 mins -- yes, I am mocking the whole it takes more time!

Madelyn needs some attention time for me to go!

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