No more "trickery"!!
She is now opening her mouth and reaching with it to eat from the spoon. It all started last night when we were at my parents house and she was eating zuchinni for the third time. Out of nowhere, Madelyn opened her mouth and wanted more! Taking it in her mouth and eating it like a champ! My mom and I both looked at eachother "She's eating!"
I'm not going to lie I was getting a little discouraged with the oatmeal everyday since, she would just purse her lips and I had resorted to "trickery" to get her to ingest it.
So, I was hoping that last night was just her first day of saying "Okay, this funny object comes toward me, and I am supposed to open my mouth and "eat" it" and to my surprise, and enjoyment, she ate her oatmeal. I even ended up making more because I had only made a small amount. Obviously, I was getting tired of throwing out most of what I was making. Not anymore!
I am in complete awe of this amazing little being in front of me when she learns or picks up something new. Its like EVERY day she is learning and growing up so much. (kinda scary really!)
So, this afternoon I am making her a few more puree's to add to our list. Pears, apples and carrots. The sweetpotatoe is out of the freezer and dethawing as I type this. I am so excited to try these new things with her but nervous too. I am not a healthy eater and I don't want her to get any of my habits or Nick's for that matter (I think we both might be the most pickiest, small minded eaters ever!) and here goes... my irrational mommy brain... am I doing things in the right order? I have to admit that I am getting better at not doubting myself as much. I think it has everything to do with reading a book called "Stop Second Guessing Yourself" its a guide through the first year of parenting. That's a whole other blog.
Enjoy the day! I am definately going to enjoy watching Madelyn try some sweet potatoe! I'll keep you posted ;-)
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