Friday, July 16, 2010


It so heart warming when one of your good friends sends you a message telling you how great of a mom you are.

In the middle of a hard day, when the babe won't nap, cranky cause she's teething and just plain grumpy because she can't figure out how to get from A to B I can just open that message and its like a reminder of the good job I am doing...

Thank you to that amazing friend who reached out and made me feel special. I cried reading her heartfelt message to me. As I've said before in my numerous blogs I don't always feel like I am doing a good job, constantly second guessing myself. That 5 minutes that it took her to write it, instantly made me think I am doing a pretty good job - even if that feeling only lasted a couple of minutes, I can go back to it whenever I need a little pick me up.

Things like that remind me that its important to be kind and honest to the people that mean most in my life. To take a break from "life" and brighten up someone elses - even if just for a moment - that moment will be remembered forever.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for leaving me a link to your blog! (I'm Angie - aka "pictureperfect" on What to Expect.)

    I'll be sure to stop by often! Hope you'll visit me on my other blog too: 5 Vinez Monkeys... and one on the way
